Terms of Use

The materials presented in this online digital collection have two copyright statuses. The medieval leaves have the status of "No Copyright" in the United States and were determined to be in the Public Domain due to their date of creation. The information cards presented with the leaves hold "No Known Copyright." This determination was made by considering the death date of the author and the date of publication of the entire collection, including the leaves, information cards, title pages and original housing container. It is the users responsibility to seek out copyright and use for all items in this collection site. The University Libraries will take-down any material that violates copyright law. If you think copyright has been violated, the University Libraries will work with you to resolve the issue. Please contact victoria.pilato@stonybrook.edu for take-down requests. If using any materials in this online digital collection for educational or research purposes please cite accordingly. When citing documents, researchers/educators should credit Special Collections and University Archives as the custodian of the collection. The following is a suggested citation:

“Name of collection, Item, Special Collections and University Archives, Stony Brook University Libraries.”

Information about the items in the collection can be found in the "Source" field. Please contact us with any questions.