Subject is exactly
Making us tea. Photo 2
A woman crouches by a small floor stove that contains a pot to boil water for tea for the group. She looks at and works the fire in the stove.Date: 2019 -
Making us tea. Photo 1
A woman crouches by a small floor stove that contains a pot to boil water for tea for the group. She turns her face towards the camera.Date: 2019 -
Interviewing non-Bhungroo unemployed farmers
Peg and Dhruti (sitting on a bench facing us) interview three men who sit on the floor with their backs to us.Date: 2019 -
Farmer's kitchen
A woman wearing green crouches on the ground in a kitchen. A kids thermos hangs above her head, gathered reeds tied at one end lay on the ground next to her, A small brick/concrete fire pit/stove is further back in the room as well as some kitchen items on a shelf.Date: 2019 -
Bhungroo farmer's home
The outside view of a home. The farmer who lives here uses Bhungroo.Date: 2019