Subject is exactly
Bills, Legislative
Press Release for Pension Reform Law
Press release: Pension Reform: The New Law. The press release goes into the specific reasons for the reform.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1974-09-18 -
Letter and Memo Concerning Pension Reform Act
Letter to New York constituents and memo by Jacob K. Javits. The proposal covers Pension Reform Act (ERISA--Employment Retirement Income Security Act) being signed into lawOriginal medium: DocumentDate: 1974-09-16 -
Press Release for Working Men and Women Concerning the Pension Reform Bill
Press release: Javits Praises Nation's Working Men and Women, Hails Signing of Pension Bill by President FordOriginal medium: DocumentDate: 1974-09-02 -
Pension Reform Act with Signatures
Front page of Act with signatures of sponsorsOriginal medium: DocumentDate: 1974-09-02 -
Press Release: Committing the Nation to War
Press release: Discusses the concessions and preparations that will need to be made by the US Government, including the War Powers ActOriginal medium: DocumentDate: 1973-01-16 -
List of Bills for the 91st Congress 1st session
List of Bills for the 91st Congress 1st session. Typescript. 8 pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1969 -
Construction Safety Bill signing with Senator Jacob K. Javits, President Richard M. Nixon, and Harrison Williams
Official Photo, The White House. Construction Safety Bill signing with Senator Jacob K. Javits, President Richard M. Nixon, and Harrison Williams. August 9, 1969. Large group, unidentified persons (not completely identified). B&W.Original medium: PhotographDate: 1969-08-09 -
Film footage of Javits speaking at a Senate News Conference on September 4, 1968
Film footage of Javits speaking at a Senate News Conference on September 4, 1968. Javits is interviewed and questioned by two Washington reporters Bill [Tice] and Allan Emory. Topics: Civil rights bill--fair housing section, bossism, direct primary for state office, removing troops from Europe--NATO alliance, urban renewal--small cities, and state of the economy affecting Vietnam. 013:33, Film positive, Film duplicate, 600 ft., Senate Recording Studio 3882.Original medium: VideoDate: 1966-09-04 -
Public Law 89-209- National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965
Public Law 89-209 allowed for the creation of the "National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965." It allowed for grants to be given to artists and individuals who work in the humanities to assist them in their endeavors with financial support from the Federal GovernmentOriginal medium: PamphletDate: 1965-09-29 -
Press release from Senators Jacob K. Javits and Robert F. Kennedy
Press release from Senators Jacob K. Javits and Robert F. Kennedy on a voting rights bill for citizens educated in a language other than English at an American school. April 8, 1965. Typescript. 1 p.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1965-04-08 -
History of Public Legislation
History of Public Legislation introduced in the 2d session (1950) Typescript. 15 total pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1950 -
Press release: Introducing a bill to establish a Joint Committee on Internal Security
Press release. Introducing a bill to establish a Joint Committee on Internal Security. March 1, 1954. Typescript. 2 pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1954-03-01 -
Reports from Jacob K. Javits to constituents
Reports from Jacob K. Javits to constituents. 1948-1954. Typescript. 11 pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1948-1954 -
House of Representatives passes the National Heart Act press release
Press release. House of Representatives passes the National Heart Act. June 8, 1948. Typescript. 2 pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1948-06-08 -
H.R. 3762 National Heart Disease Act
H.R. 3762 National Heart Disease Act. 80th Congress, 1st Session. A Bill in the House of Representatives. Typescript. 16 pp bound.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1947-06-09 -
Press release for Senator Javits' proposal of a bipartisan study of anti-trust laws
Press release for Senator Javits' proposal of a bipartisan study of anti-trust laws. May 22, 1977. Typescript. 2 pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1977-05-22 -
Press release and floor statement by Javits on age discrimination bill
Press release and floor statement by Javits on age discrimination bill to increase protection of older workers. June 28, 1977. Typescripts.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1977-06-28 -
Press release from Senator Jacob K. Javits regarding report to constituents on the first session of the 85th Congress
Press release from the office of Senator Jacob K. Javits regarding report to constituents on the first session of the 85th Congress. Typescript. 3 pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1957-09-15 -
Press release: List of bills sponsored alone or co-sponsored by Javits in 1957
Press release: List of bills sponsored alone or co-sponsored by Javits in 1957. Typescript. 2 pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1957