Card introducing the newly constructed Javits Center, the card features an illustration of the New York City Skyline, as well as a smaller illustration of the Javits Center in the bottom right hand corner. The card features contact information for the center , as well as a brief message describing the center.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1984
Photographer Unknown. Photograph. Javits, Jacob K., Marburger, John H., 1984. B&W.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1984-04
Official Photo, The White House. Photograph. Graham, Billy, Javits, Jacob K., Javits, Marion B., Reagan, Ronald, 1983 February 23. Autographed, Unidentified event, Unidentified persons (not completely identified), Small group. Color.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1983-02-23
Card from George H.W. Bush & reply by Javits, The card congratulates Javits on receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom, The card features an apology from the Bush for not being able to attend the ceremony
Original medium: Document
Date: 1983
Telegram from Michael Deaver informing Javits that he was selected to receive medal, black text on off-white background, Western Union Telegram
Original medium: Document
Date: 1983-02-15
Certificate from the National Conference of Christians and Jews presenting "The Charles Evans Hughes gold medal" to "The Honorable Jacob K. Javits" on March 7, 1983. Black writing with blue and gold highlights. Certificate is inside a dark blue leather cover with gold lettering.
Original medium: Certificate
Date: 1983-03-07
Press release for Senator Javits establishing longevity record for senate service from New York State from May 3, 1979. Outlines a history of Javits' time and accomplishments in the Senate. Typescript. 4 pp.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1979-05-03
Correspondence on Javits celebration. Typescript. 7 total pp.
Original medium: Correspondence
Date: 1979-02-09
White House Photograph of the Rose Garden Ceremony at White House at which President Jimmy Carter installed members of the National Commission to Review Antitrust Laws and Procedures. Inscription reads "Best Wishes to Jack Javits..Jimmy Carter." July 21, 1978. Black and white photograph. President Jimmy Carter stands in front of a line of people including Javits at a podium.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1978-07-21
Press Release for Senator Javits being sworn in as a Member of the National Antitrust Commission by President Carter dated June 21, 1978. Typescript. 2 pp.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1978-06-21
Pages from the Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of the 95th Congress, first session. Javits introduces a bill to establish an Antitrust Review Commission. Typescript. 4 pp.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1977-05-23
Booklet. Javits Dinner Committee. "An Impact on his Times." Cover: blue and red writing. White paper. Inside tells what Javits has done in his time as Senator. Paper, [1974]
Original medium: Booklet
Date: 1974
Campaign leaflet. Blue ink. White paper. Printed on both sides. Ralph Nader report, 1974.
Original medium: Leaflet
Date: 1974
Press release: Pension Reform: The New Law. The press release goes into the specific reasons for the reform.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1974-09-18
Letter to New York constituents and memo by Jacob K. Javits. The proposal covers Pension Reform Act (ERISA--Employment Retirement Income Security Act) being signed into law
Original medium: Document
Date: 1974-09-16
Press release: Javits Praises Nation's Working Men and Women, Hails Signing of Pension Bill by President Ford
Original medium: Document
Date: 1974-09-02
Front page of Act with signatures of sponsors
Original medium: Document
Date: 1974-09-02
Official Photo, The White House. Photograph. Ford, Gerald R., Jackson, Henry M., Javits, Jacob K., Kissinger, Henry A., Ribicoff, Abraham, 1974 August 15. Unidentified event. B&W.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1974-08-15
Audio recording of a private party in honor of Jacob K. Javits held on March 3, 1974. A reception and dinner were held with 1500 -2000 guests at the Hilton Hotel, New York City. 050:00 (this digitized track plays for 30:44), 3-3/4 inches-per-second, 1 track. Topics: John Jay (Jock) Whitney]; John Sherman Cooper - chairman of the dinner; Javits' message and thanks to his kids (Carla, Joy, and Joshua) and wife, Marion Javits; Javits gives thanks to his friends and colleagues; political issues; worker alienation; inflation; global rule of law vs. rule of force; benediction by Reverand [Franklin Graham] from the Council of Churches of New York; Music present [live band].
Original medium: Audio
Date: 1974-03-04
Photographer Unknown. Photograph. Jagger, Bianca, (right), Jagger, Mick, (center), Javits, Jacob K., (left) 1973 May 2. Unidentified event. B&W.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1973-05-02
Press release: Senator Jacob K. Javits, Statement on House vote to over-ride presidential veto of War Powers Resolution
Original medium: Document
Date: 1973-11-07
Press release: Statement by Senator Jacob K. Javits on Veto of War Powers Bill. He voices his lack of support for the veto, and seeks to override it.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1973-10-24
Press release: Discusses the concessions and preparations that will need to be made by the US Government, including the War Powers Act
Original medium: Document
Date: 1973-01-16
Cover of book written by Senator Jacob K. Javits with Don Kellermann. Forewords by Barbara W. Tuchman and Alexander M. Bickel. Back cover of book features image of Jacob K. Javits on phone. On inside of dust jacket are a summary of the book and quotes.
Original medium: Book Jacket
Date: 1973
Audio recording of Javits speaking on the Lou Gordon Program about: Richard Nixon's Policies.Topics: Senator Griffin; busing-desegregation, Independent Protection Agency for Consumers; education; child development bill; minimum wage; pension and welfare fund; anti-abortion bill; Agnew - Vice President; two party system; Watergate; George McGovern. 7-1/2 inches-per-second, 1 track. October 19, 1972.
Original medium: Audio
Date: 1972-10-19
Audio recordings of Javits' eight segments of Capitol Hill Today in 1972. Running time: 8 minutes 17 seconds.
Original medium: Audio
Date: 1971/1972
Photograph of Senator Jacob K. Javits (left) appointing Paulette Desell (right) the United States Senate's first female page. Javits and Desell are pictured jointly holding a certificate commemorating the occasion. B&W. Photographer Unknown. May 29, 1971.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1971-05-29
Press release: First girl senate pages to be sworn in May 14
Original medium: Document
Date: 1971-05-13
Press release: Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection, Press conference statement of Senator Javits to end gender discrimination in the United States Senate. He discusses the introduction of the first woman page in the Senate
Original medium: Document
Date: 1971-04-27
Press release: Senators Jacob K. Javits, Fred R. Harris, and Charles H. Percy seek support of resolution to permit girl pages. April 11, 1971. Typescript. 2pp.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1971-04-11
2 Press releases: Javits proposes total reorganization of federal enforcement agencies to counter drug abuse, March 13, 1973; Javits proposes mandatory federal sentences for those who traffic in drugs, March 15, 1973. "As I See It... by Senator Javits" in white on a blue banner heading. Typescript. 2 pp each release, 4 pp total.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1972-03-15
Press release: The Committee of Nine completes major re-assessment of European-American Relations. October 2, 1973. Typescript 4 pp ; newsclipping: Javits Urges Summit Meeting... from the International Herald Tribune, March 26, 1973
Original medium: Document
Date: 1973
Press Release: Statement by Sen. Javits on the Second United Nations Development Decade, October 17, 1970. Typescript. 5 pp.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1970-10-17
Photograph of Marian Javits with photographer Richard Avedon (left), Edward W. Brooke, and Charles E. Goodell. April 8, 1970. B&W. In 1963, Sneator Jacob K. Javits sponsored legislation to establish a U.S. National Arts Foundation, a precursor of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), an independent agency of the U.S. government that supports the creation, dissemination, and performance of the arts. It was created by the U.S. Congress in the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1970-04-08
List of Bills for the 91st Congress 1st session. Typescript. 8 pp.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1969
Photograph of Jacob K. Javits and Golda Meir, Jerusalem in January 1970. Photo Emka, Ltd. Unidentified event. B&W.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1970
Official Photo, The White House. Construction Safety Bill signing with Senator Jacob K. Javits, President Richard M. Nixon, and Harrison Williams. August 9, 1969. Large group, unidentified persons (not completely identified). B&W.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1969-08-09
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on Peace Corps. Jacob K. Javits, July 16, 1971. B&W. Peace Corps Photograph.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1971-07-16
Campaign flyer: Yellow paper, printed on one side only. In black: "I'm voting for Senator Javits the public library's champion in Washington." Paper, Undated.
Original medium: Flyer
Date: 1968
Campaign bumper sticker. Blue ellipse with "Re-elect Javits" in white. At the ends of the ellipse are 2 orange half circles with purple and green petals. Javits in '68 Campaign Committee. Paper.
Original medium: Sticker
Date: 1968
Campaign leaflet. "What I've done. What I'm doing and most important, What I'm going to do. Jacob Javits U.S. Senator" Black with white writing. Paper.
Original medium: Leaflet
Date: 1968
Campaign leaflet. "Javits in '68" in blue on black. 18 pages. Printed on both sides. Paper.
Original medium: Leaflet
Date: 1968
Robert Kennedy and Jacob K. Javits standing on steps amongst a crowd of people in early June 1968. B&W. Unidentified event. [RFK was assasinated within days on June 6, 1968.]
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1968-06
Film footage of Javits speaking at a Senate News Conference on March 7, 1968. Javits is interviewed by two Washington reporters, Sam Schaffer and [Ed Flato]. Topics: voting, election, Nelson Rockefeller, compromise peace, withdrawal from Vietnam, bombing cessation, coalition government--Saigon, open housing bill, and Martin Luther King. 013:33, Film positive, Film duplicate, 600 ft., Senate Recording Studio 6332.
Original medium: Video
Date: 1968-03-07
Joint Legislative Committee on Welfare, 1968. Jacob K. Javits pictured left with William E. Adams and Charles E. Goodell. March 1968. Photographer Unknown. Unidentified persons (not completely identified), Small group. B&W.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1968-03
Photograph of Vietnam captured Viet Cong weapons in Bien Hoa, Vietnam. Jacob K. Javits pictured with Brigadier General E. W. Williamson. Unidentified persons (not completely identified). Small group. B&W. Photographer Unknown. Undated.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1966
Photograph of Jacob K. Javits (right) and Ogden R. Reid in military clothing. United States Marine Corps official photograph. Unidentified event. Unidentified persons (not completely identified). Small group. B&W. January 11, 1966.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1966-01-01
Photograph of Jacob K. Javits (center) and Ogden R. Reid (left) in military clothing looking at possibly a map being held by a third unidentified man. United States Marine Corps official photograph. Unidentified event. Unidentified persons (not completely identified). Small group. B&W. January 11, 1966.
Original medium: Photograph
Date: 1966-01-11
Press release from Senator Jacob K. Javits: "Vietnam: lessons and hard choices." April 19, 1966. Typescript. 3 pp.
Original medium: Document
Date: 1966-04-19
Film footage of Javits speaking at a Senate News Conference on September 4, 1968. Javits is interviewed and questioned by two Washington reporters Bill [Tice] and Allan Emory. Topics: Civil rights bill--fair housing section, bossism, direct primary for state office, removing troops from Europe--NATO alliance, urban renewal--small cities, and state of the economy affecting Vietnam. 013:33, Film positive, Film duplicate, 600 ft., Senate Recording Studio 3882.
Original medium: Video
Date: 1966-09-04