Date is exactly
Kronos [1982]
This edition of Kronos, published in 1982, is the official yearbook of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, School of Medicine. Hard-bound.Original medium: SerialDate: 1982 -
Letter from Senator Jacob K. Javits enclosed with each complimentary copy of his autobiography
Letter from Senator Jacob K. Javits enclosed with each complimentary copy of his autobiography, c1981. Typescript. 2 pp.Original medium: DocumentDate: 1982 -
Postcard reproduction of Pâte Dentifrice du Docteur Pierre Poster
Postcard reproduces a poster of advertisement for Pâte Dentifrice du Docteur Pierre depicting young girl in robe holding object in left hand, with toothbrush and basin. [on front] PATE DENTIFRICE DU DOCTEUR PIERRE DE LA FACULTE DE MEDECINE DE PARIS / EN VENTE PARTOUT [on back] MAURICE BOUTET DE MONVEL (FRENCH. 1851-1913): POSTER FOR DR. PIERRE'S TOOTHPASTE, CA. 1896 / FROM ART NOUVEAU POSTER POSTCARDS IN FULL COLOR © 1982 BY DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC.] [in color]. Publisher of original poster by Société de Publications d'Art Devarenne & Cie. Translation of French text: Toothpaste of Doctor Pierre of the College of Medicine of Paris / On sale everywhere.Date: 1982