Naranbhai Devabhai Thakor


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Oral history told by Naranbhai Devabhai Thakor. Naranbhai, a 51 year old male from Dudkha, is the husband of Lilaben Naranbhai Thakor. Bhungroo Irrigation technology is used. Naranbhai describes themselves as having no education.
Family relation: husband of Lilaben Naranbhai Thakor
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Bhungroo Irrigation technology used: Yes
Education: None
Before Bhungroo they only used to do monsoon crops, but after Bhungroo they do agriculture activity in all the seasons. Sami taluka is deserted land and before Bhungroo they didn't have water at all, government supplied water was not sufficient, bores were not working. Agricultural activity was impossible because of the water problems. Before Bhungroo they used to migrate for work to Mehsana or Kathiyawaad (Other regions of Gujarat). They no more migrate after they started getting sufficient water from Bhungroo. Before Bhungroo he [was not welcomed by other villagers. His neigbours or villagers used to feel that whenever Naranbhai will come to them he will ask for money. After Bhungroo the situation has totally changes as he proudly walks down to road and other villagers greet him with smile. Before Bhungroo Naranbhai's family was not happy because of the financial situation of family as there was insufficient money and food to provide to all the family members. If his daughter-in-laws want to go to their maternal home there was no money for their travel because of this there were family issues. Before Naranbhai and his 2 brothers and their family used to live in single house. After Bhungroo as their financial situation got better they build their own 4 bhk home. He gifted his wife and daughter-in-laws gold. Bought tractor and bike for himself.


1 recording 32:05
2 documents


