Leaf 18. "The Breviary is one of the six official books used by the Roman Catholic Church in its liturgy" (Ege). "The angular script of this lead is executed with great skill and precision. The small and vigorous black initials and the hair line…
Leaf 23. "While the script of this leaf is almost certainly French, the initial letters and filigree decoration might easily be of Italian workmanship, and the greenish tone of the ink suggests English manufacture. The dorsal motif in the bar…
Leaf 6. "The only Bible known to Western Europe for the thousand years from 400 to 1400 was this version by St. Jerome" (Ege)."The decorative initials, color of ink, and texture of vellum are the clues which aid in assigning provenance, as in this…
Leaf 41. "This composite text includes the Dialogues of Pope Gregory I (St. Gregory the Great, 540-604 A.D.), which are largely autobriographical, and his writings on the lives and miracles of the early Italian Church Fathers. The book hand used is…
Leaf 37. "Epistolaries are among the rarest of liturgical manuscripts. Their text consists of the Epistles and Gospels with lessons from the Old Testament for particular occasions. Sometimes, as in this leaf, they had interlinear neumes in red neumes…
[1] l. 50 folders with mounted original leaves. Each folder accompanied by descriptive letterpress. 2 title pages, one on thicker paper. Edition limited to 40 numbered sets of which this is no. 19. Complete Work
Leaf 8. "Graduals are the books containing the chants for celebration of the mass. Engish manuscripts of this early date are rare. This volume, with the uncertain strokes in the script, seems to indicate that the transcriber was unaccostomed to…
Leaf 32. "The suberb example of calligraphy in this leaf illustrates the supremacy of the Italian scribes of the time over those of the rest of Europe. It is frequently assumed that this late revival of fine writing may have been caused by the…