Leaf 42. "This leaf from the Book of Psalms was written from the Benedictine monastery of St. Stephan in Wurzburg and dated 1499 A.D. The book hand closely resembles the fine early gothic types called lettre de forme and used by Fust and Schoeffer in…
Leaf 13. "It is usually difficult to distinguish the miniature or portable Bibles by the young Dominican firars in England from those written in France" (Ege). "The original master text was carelessly transcribed again and again. It may even have…
Leaf 1. "The chief interest of this text is the interlinear glosses and commentaries from the writings of Bede, Jerome, Gregory, and other church fathers" (Ege). "The beginning of the trend to compactness and angularity is seen in many of these later…
Leaf 2. "Many Missals, Bibles, and Psalters of the XIIth century were written in this fine bold script" (Ege). "Some of the letters in this book, however, have been carefully compared with those in a manuscript known to have been ordered in Spain in…
Leaf 38. "The provenance of this manuscript is clearly designated as Limoges because of the inculsion of certain parts of the masses proper to this diocese, and because of the presence of the coat of arms and obituary records of the noted de Rupe…
Leaf 22. "This particular manuscript was written by Benedictine monks for the Parochial School of St. John the Baptist in Wurzburg shortly after 1300 A.D. The musical notation is the rare type which is a transition between the early neumes and the…
Leaf 15. "This manuscript, a special gift to a church in the city of Beauvais, was written for Robert de Hangest, a canon, about 1285 A.D." (Ege). "The ornament of this leaf shows the first flowering of Gothic interest in nature. The formal hieratic…
Leaf 26. "The fact that this Missal honors particular saints by its calendar and litany indicates that it was made by friars of the Franciscan order. This was established in 1209 by St. Francis" (Ege). "This leaf, with its well written, pointed…
Leaf 49. "One wonders why this particular manuscript copy on vellum was written some forty years after Antonius Zarotus had printed the first Missal in Milan (1471 A.D.), for, at this time, Missals were frequently reprinted on paper and sold at only…